Mahipal Chemicals

Magnesium Sulphate Anhydrous/Monohydrate

Magnesium has several important metabolic functions in the production and transport of energy. It is also important for the contraction and relaxation of muscles. Magnesium is involved in the synthesis of protein, and it assists in the functioning of some enzymes. Magnesium Sulphate Anhydrous (MgSO4) and Monohydrate (MgSO4.H2O) is an inorganic compound made of magnesium, sulphur and oxygen. Also known as Epsom salt, this powdered substance is widely used in Agriculture and Horticulture fields to improve the soil fertility levels. For animal, it is important in the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids (fats) and protein. Also used for nerve activity and muscle contraction.

Zinc Sulphate Monohydrate/Heptahydrate

Zinc Sulphate Monohydrate (ZnSO4.H2O) and Heptahydrate (ZnSO4.7H2O) is a moderately water and acid soluble Zinc source for uses compatible with sulphates. Zinc Sulphate is used to supply Zinc in animal feeds, fertilizers, toothpaste, and agricultural sprays. Zinc sulphate, like many zinc compounds, can also be used to control moss growth on roofs, as an electrolyte for zinc electroplating, as a mordant in dyeing, and as a preservative for skins and leather.

Calcium Chloride

Calcium chloride, CaCl2, is a salt of calcium and chlorine and is commonly known as industrial salt. It behaves as a typical ionic halide and is solid at room temperature. Common applications include oil field industries, brine for refrigeration plants, ice and dust control on roads, and desiccation. We manufacture the following grades:

Chlorides India

Potassium Sulphate

Also known as Sulphate of Potash, Potassium Sulphate (K2SO4) is one of the most widely used NPK fertilizers providing both Potassium & Sulpher. Other applications of Potassium Sulphate include accelerators for anhydrite floors, special gypsum & plasterboards, manufacturing of pigments, as detergents & cleaning agents and as drilling fluids. We manufacture the following grades:

Potassium Schoenite

Potassium Schoenite (K2SO4.MgSO4.6H2O) is a unique source of plant nutrition since three essential nutrients are naturally combined in to one mineral. It provides a readily available supply of Potassium, Magnesium and Sulfur to growing plants in an ideal ratio. It has an advantage of having all nutrient contained within a single particle, which helps provide a uniform distribution of nutrients when it is spread in the field. We manufacture the following grade:

Potassium Magnesium Sulphate

Potassium Magnesium Sulphate (K2SO4.2MgSO4) or Langbeinite is a unique source of plant nutrition, since three essential nutrients (K, Mg and S) combine naturally into one mineral. Langbeinite is water soluble, but dissolves slower than some other common K fertilizers because its particles are denser than other K sources. Nutrient-dense langbeinite is a popular fertilizer, especially where several nutrients are needed to provide adequate plant nutrition. Its advantage of having K, Mg and S all contained within each of its particles helps provide a uniform distribution of nutrients as farmers spread it through fields.

Potassium Nitrate

Potassium Nitrate (KNO3) is a unique source of potassium by its nutritional value and its contribution to the health and yields of plants. Potassium nitrate outperforms other potassium fertilisers on crops of all types. Potassium Nitrate is an ideal source of N and K for optimal plant nutrition. It is available in a variety of compositions and formulations, to suit specific crop requirements and growth environments. We manufacture the following grade:

Potassium Chloride

Also known as Muriate of Potash, Potassium chloride (KCI) is a white crystal or crystalline powder metal halide salt composed of potassium and chloride. The solid odorless, white, or colorless vitreous crystals readily dissolve in water. Its solutions have a salt-like taste. The non-combustible compound is used in the manufacture of buffers, fertilizers, and explosives as well as in medicine, food processing, and scientific applications. We manufacture the following grade:

Ammonium Sulphate

The primary use of Ammonium Sulfate ((NH4)2SO4) is as a fertilizer for alkaline soils. In the soil the ammonium ion is released and forms a small amount of acid, lowering the pH balance of the soil, while contributing essential nitrogen for plant growth. It is also used as an agricultural spray adjuvant for water-soluble insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides. We manufacture the following grade:

Ammonium Chloride

Ammonium chloride, an inorganic compound with the formula NH4Cl, is a white crystalline salt, highly soluble in water. Solutions of ammonium chloride are mildly acidic. The mineral is commonly formed on burning coal dumps, due to condensation of coal-derived gases. It is used as a flavouring agent in some types of liquorice. We manufacture the following grades:

Chemclone India Pvt. Ltd.

Phosphoric Acid 85%

The dominant use of Phosphoric Acid (H3PO4) is for fertilizers, consuming approximately 90% of production. Food-grade phosphoric acid is used to acidify foods and beverages such as various colas and jams. Specific applications of phosphoric acid include anti-rust treatment, phosphoric acid fuel cells. activated carbon production, in compound semiconductor processing and many others. We will manufacture the following grade:

Plaster of Paris (PoP)

Plaster of Paris or chemically known as Calcium Sulphate Hemihydrate (CaSO4.1/2H2O), is a quick-setting gypsum plaster consisting of a fine powder, which hardens when moistened and allowed to dry. Plaster of Paris does not generally shrink or crack when dry, making it an excellent medium for casting molds. It is commonly used to precast and hold parts of ornamental plasterwork placed on ceilings and cornices. It is also used in medicine to make plaster casts to immobilize broken bones while they heal, though many modern orthopedic casts are made of fibreglass or thermoplastics. With an additive to retard the set, it is called wall, or hard wall, plaster, which can provide passive fire protection for interior surfaces.